Kamis, 29 September 2011

Moscow at a Glance

If you ask me what was so great about Moscow?

First, I must say the SKY!

The sky was so beautiful, very clear, with the cloud as an accent. When I took a photograph, I did it effortlessly. Subhanallah, Maha suci Allah yang telah membuat latar belakang dunia kita begitu sempurna. We need no Photoshop :)

Second, colourful and grande building.

You will find most of the cathedral was painted with playful colors. Eye catching!

Third, cheap public transportation.

You can travel with Metro, almost all over Moscow. As long as you didn't go out from station the fare is the same for any distance which is 28 RUB. I love it!

Fourth, long leg with fashionable outfit.

It's cold (at least, for me), around 12-16 C degree and you had to walk quite far since there were very little space to park the car, not to mention if you had to take Metro. Yet, they can pull that off with mini skirt and high heels! I envy them, while me in Jakarta, wearing my comfortable rubber shoes with my unfashionable shirt to go to work. Blah, I feel like a nanny, Haha..

The rest, you will find that Moscow is one of expensive city, with (quite) unfriendly people, and hard to explore with limited time. The cycrilic letter will made you lost at least several times :)

Jumat, 23 September 2011



I'm back from my very short trip to Moskva (read: Moscow), Alhamdulillah aman dan tentram selama perjalanan..

Gak sabar pengen upload foto dan cerita2 selama 2 hari workshop + 1 hari extend jalan2 disana.
Dalam perjalanan pulang dari Moscow sempet transit di Dubai. Cuaca ekstrim dari lumayan sejuk ke panas luar biasa bikin kulit muka sukses ngelupas begitu sampe Jakarta.
Pulang dari Dubai bareng sama para pahlawan devisa :) Lucu dan gemes deh ngeliat tingkah laku mereka.

Perjalanannya sebenernya ga terlalu lama, Moscow - Dubai 5 jam, Dubai - Jakarta 8 jam, tapi karena jadwal yang padat dan kurang istirahat, hari pertama masuk kerja sukses muntah2 di kantor. Masuk angin :)

Weekend ini ga bisa istirahat juga, karena ada jadwal selametan Rumah Kalibata.
So, cya!