Rabu, 17 Februari 2010


Oh I really want to post - like anything..since I don't have particular idea :D
So these are random things.

1. TTC

No I haven't met the obgyns, neither Prof Jacoeb nor Dr. Ovi. Blame my husband.. I've already made an appointment to Prof Jacoeb for this friday then suddenly he said that he had to work to Makassar. Sigh. Oh yes, he has already left me 3 weekends for this month. But on the brighter side I will meet Dr. Ovi first before prof Jacoeb ( i prefer female doctor remember? ). Yes, i've made the appointment even far before Prof Jacoeb. It takes almost a month to contact Dr. Ovi before you can meet her. Remembering the distance also, it has to be very worthy !


I plan a vacation for me and him on April. I have been browsing like a lot, and now i've reached its peak. I become so bored (lol). Actually, long before I do browse, we had talked about how we want to spend our trip and agreed to be like backpacker..but somehow I don't feel confident to myself and start to browse everything seems cheap value for money. Ha! for my excuse, it's my money i'll spend here folks, be generous. And then I remind myself that i'm going to shop like crazy there so i have to be extra careful with our budget. So here I am..googling here, there, everywhere :D I have booked hotel via Agoda by the way, very good rate i can say.


It's official now that start from march i'll be rotated with other staff. Well I've spent 1,5 2,5 years doing the same routines jobs, now prepare for something new. My upcoming job will be related to inflation and stuffs, wish me luck ! :excited:


Me and him have a super plan for our parents. Since we had an additional income from our side job so we will spare that money for our beloved parents. No we won't give that in cash, but in a form of "Package". It will buying time to get the Packages, but Insya Allah it'll make them happy. May Allah gives health and take care of them, till the time comes. Amin.

So, that's all my blab. Very random right? haha told ya!

Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

Trying To Conceive - beginning

Hari ini saya "dapet", harusnya jadwal saya masih 5 hari ke depan.
Kalo dirunut-runut lagi, tamu bulanan saya memang kurang teratur siklusnya. Selama hampir setahun ini rata2nya 34 hari, maximum siklus 39 hari dan minimumnya 29 hari.
Selangnya agak lebar ya. Dari web ini katanya masa subur saya ada di 17 hari setelah hari pertama, orang2 lain biasanya 14 hari.

Well, kali ini karena merasa kecepetan suami tiba2 ngajakin ke dokter :)
Dulu saya pernah sih ngajakin juga cuma dia ga begitu nanggepin, trus ya udah ga ada follow up lebih lanjut. Mungkin dia udah kepengen banget punya anak kali ya..hehehe...akhirnya ya udah saya setuju, after all we've reached our 10 months so I think it's worth to try.

Peraturan di kantor agak ribet kalo masalah ke dokter spesialis gini, karena kantor saya ga pake asuransi, tp ada yayasan kesehatannya. Memang sih kalo udah ada rekomendasi dari dokter perusahaan Insya Allah mao ke dokter mana aja di ganti full. Satu lagi berkah yg harus saya syukuri dimana asuransi perusahaan suami saya sekarang ini abal banget ;b Ga bisa cover masalah kesehatan yg macem2.

Eniho, pagi ini pergilah saya ke klinik kantor without any clue mau minta rekomendasi ke obgyn mana. Pesen suami, kalo bisa cewe tapi yang bagus, padahal susah banget cari Obgyn berjenis kelamin wanita yang direkomendasi ama banyak orang. Akhirnya saya pasrah dan dokter kantor kasih saya nama Prof. Jacoeb, SpOG praktek di Sam Marie..hmm...sebenernya saya agak risih sama dokter cowok apalagi kalo masih muda, berhubung udah prof ya udah deh..asumsi saya prof itu pasti hebat dan yg penting udah tua. hehe :praying:

Dokter kantor nyaranin saya cek lab dasar dulu disini baru hasilnya dibawa ke Prof Jacoeb, biar lsg ada analisanya. Oke deh, tp berhubung saya masih "merah" mari kita tunda dulu seminggu ke depan.

OOnnya abis dari dokter saya baru browsing nama2 dokter fertility yg recommended di google...telaaaaaat! Nama si Prof adalah tapi masih banyak juga yg laennya. hahaha..dasar saya orang ga mau ribet sedunia, beginilah akhirnya.
Kepikiran juga sih ke dokter kantor lainnya buat minta rekomendasi dokter laen (yg cewe ah) untuk 2nd opinion. Tadi baru ngobrol ama bu Bos, dia rekomendasiin Obgynnya..Dr Ovi (Dwiana Ocviyanti), tapi prakteknya di Permata Cibubur. Onde mandeeee jauh nian :( Tapi tadi udah lapor suami, katanya gpp kalo emang cewe. He3 sepertinya dia belom rela istrinya diubek2 cowo laen ;b

So, wish me luck !!

Note: Picture courtesy of gettyimages