Minggu, 27 Desember 2009


My friend once said:

Kids are the best things in our life, aren't they?

And then I and my sensitivity speak to myself immediately.

What if we never had our own kids?

What if we never get married?

Then we never get those best things in our life?

Oh dear...

4 komentar:

tea mengatakan...

Oh dear.. (cozy)
I've read that too :)
Nah.. remember that Buble's song?
And come on, you already got best of things in your life. A loving husband, loving families and friends ;) my prayer goes to you!

PS: ayoh kapan kita jalan-jalan-jalan lagi? ^^

sita mengatakan...

oeee... hugs hugs hugs..
koq somehow jadi nyentil ke gw juga? maaf yah (because i answered the question of your friend)

setuju sama utie..
and i think the things that we called "the best" will be the best if we feel blessed with it.. any kind of thing.. including having u as my best friend w, one of the best thing in my life :-)

-Ow- mengatakan...

Dear Utie & Sita,
I know :) it's just my sensitivity.
Blame those hormones ;b
Relax, I'm ok now...
I just want to be honest..at least to myself, for what i feel..and what's in my thought.
Thank you yaa...for always by my side. Hihi.
And I know, children have been a blessing and gift in our life..If it's not happen for me (right now), then God must have been up to something for me and him.
There you go, I do my curhat session again :)
Let's try to be true to ourselves.


sita mengatakan...

that's why i have blog :D

in there i can be my truly self without have to face any hassle on other people comments.

please keep posting ya w.. u know my door is always open for curhat session :)